Ancient grave in a ploughed field
Graves and woods
Bugler preparing for the reception
Reception at Wang Tien Chiao
Cavalry and soldiers at reception at Wang Tien Chiao
Cavalrymen at ancient grave in ploughed field
Sampans moored on the Hsiao-Ching-Ho
British Commissioner of Weihaiwei at reception at Wang Tien Chiao
Review at Tsi Nan Fu
Lockhart and Chinese provincial officials at the review, Tsi Nan Fu
British and Chinese officials at a military training school, Jinan
Zhou Fu (周馥), the Governor of Shandong province and Lockhart, Jinan
Zhou Fu (周馥), Sir James Lockhart and Captain Barnes, Jinan
Zhou Fu (周馥) and leading officials, Jinan
Lockhart and the son of Governor of Shantung, Jinan
Lockhart, Barnes and Chinese officials, Tsi Nan Fu