Staff of sub-district Headquarters (Xiao Fang on the left) in front of a wall with posters, Central Hebei province
A group of soldiers, with civilians and children
Soldiers and civilians in a street
A group of soldiers in front of a building
Naked people fording a river
A mule and naked people fording the T'ang River
A muddy street and makeshift roadside stalls, 1938
Flooded area with two boats, Central Hebei province, 1938
Michael Lindsay (林迈可)'s escort on a path through fields of crops
A soldier, with old artillery from early warlord civil wars, Central Hebei province, Spring 1938
Soldiers walking on a track between fields
Small boys as army messengers, with a bicycle, Central Hebei province
Two photographs: A curious crowd looking through a window at foreigners (some children frightened by the camera)
Two Chinese men at a table with George E. Taylor, 1938
Soldiers (in vanguard) walking along a track beside fields with crops, 1938
Soldiers holding a banner to welcome Michael Lindsay (林迈可) and other foreigners, and a welcoming party
Chinese and Japanese soldiers, with weapons, uniforms, documents and a flag captured from the Japanese
Chinese and Japanese soldiers, with captured weapons, uniforms, documents and a Japanese flag