A woman by a willow tree at a lake
Three unidentified young women in a garden
A woman with bound feet performing Chinese acupuncture on the arm of a young man
A poster on the side of a building welcoming Michael Lindsay (林迈可)
A smiling woman, with two children
A woman carrying two wooden pails
[Ng Iseng] with his wife and children
Zhangpu student with his father's family
Hospital staff including John Preston Maxwell and Lilly Maxwell, Yongchun - with pet monkey
Kam Lia and his wife, Zhangpu
Students at Yongchun Hospital
A woman walking toward a pailou, Yongchun
Front entrance of Yongchun Hospital, Yongchun
Dr J.P. Maxwell, with his family and graduated students, at Yongchun Hospital, Yongchun, 1916
Dr John Preston Maxwell and Mrs Edith Lilly Maxwell, Yongchun, 1916
A nurse outside the Mission Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan
Gochi, a young Pepohoan woman, Baksa, Taiwan
Aboriginal group, central Taiwan