Cart with beasts of burden, Weihaiwei
New road under construction, Weihaiwei
Family walking on a newly constructed road, Weihaiwei
Girl's school, Chinan
'Satow Castle', Middlesex
Happy Valley Annual Race Meeting, Hong Kong
Grandstand, Happy Valley Annual Race Meeting, Hong Kong
A couple and the grandstand, Happy Valley Annual Race Meeting, Hong Kong
Women's Hospital and Government Civil Hospital (政府公立醫院), Hong Kong
Damage caused by the 19th July 1926 rainstorm, at the nullah above Hill Road, Hong Kong
Governor William Robinson laying the foundation stone of Victoria Jubilee Hospital, Hong Kong
The governor and others on the grandstand during the Review (Diamond Jubilee), Happy Valley, Hong Kong
A pavilion for Chinese women, Diamond Jubilee Review, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
Governor William Robinson with members of the Legislative Council, Hong Kong
A village at Starling Inlet (沙頭角海), New Territories (新界), Hong Kong
Groups of people beside boats, Deep Bay, Hong Kong
A customs outpost on the boundary between Chinese and British territory, Kowloon, Hong Kong
The Belilios Reformatory, with officials, soldiers and journalists, Hong Kong
106 emigrant families leaving Tianjin (天津) under British supervision for North Borneo
Emigrant women leaving Tianjin (天津) under British supervision, for North Borneo