Portrait of a woman, with pipe and a vase of flowers
Portrait of two women, with vase, spittoon, paper and pipe
Portrait of a woman, with a fan, vase of flowers and a pipe
Portrait of a woman holding a pipe
Portrait of a woman with a headscarf and a large hat
Portrait of a woman and a man
Nuns (Franciscan Missionaries of Mary), women and girls
A silk filature (spinning mill), showing workers with reeling machines and silk cocoons being stoved or stifled, Shanghai
Portrait of a woman, with pipe and vase
Portrait of a woman wearing shoes that suggest her feet have not been bound
Portrait of a woman wearing a headscarf, with a fan and a book
Portrait of a woman, with a pipe
Refugees in French Concession, Shanghai, with soldiers
Refugees in French Concession, Shanghai
Evacuees on the Bund, Shanghai
Evacuees and luggage, The Bund, Shanghai
Evacuees waiting, the Bund, Shanghai
Evacuees waiting to leave, The Bund, Shanghai
Children and bag handed onto a packed ferry