British children at a temporary school at Pei Tai Ho, 1937
Lawn tennis party outside club
Throwing coins from a boat
Group by a riverbank
A street in Qinhuangdao (秦皇島)
City walls, Changsha
Women washing laundry in a river, Nanking
Laughing women and children in round rowing boats
Mrs Allen and Mrs Mary Ada Trobridge, with baby John Allen, Hong Kong
People walking by the harbour, Hong Kong
Agricultural workers threshing rice, Hong Kong
Boats at Tai O (大澳), Lantau Island (大嶼山), Hong Kong
Boat people at Tai O (大澳), Lantau Island (大嶼山), Hong Kong
A couple smoking at the entrance of the no 2 tunnel, China Mining & Metal Company Ltd., Tien Sze Liang
Three people by the entrance of the no 1 tunnel, China Mining & Metal Company Ltd., Tien Sze Liang
Mary Ada Trobridge with David Arthur George Trobridge, Hong Kong
An amah holding David Arthur George Trobridge as a baby, Hong Kong
A woman and a child by a house, Changsha (長沙)
Isabel Jane Thorne (Mrs Thorne) - later one of the 'Edinburgh Seven' - with a baby, Shanghai
William Edward Vacher's amah, with Annie, Shanghai