Grave of Qiu Jin (秋瑾), revolutionary, feminist and writer, at West Lake (西湖), Hangzhou (杭州)

University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Ar01-030. The caption in the album: 秋瑾墓 (前淸) Qiu Jin mu (qian qing) = Qiu Jin’s tomb (front view). Qiu Jin (秋瑾 Ch’iu Chin Fen, Xuanqing, Jingxiong) (8 November 1875-15 July 1907) was executed after a failed uprising against the Qing Dynasty in 1907. The writing on pillar 1 describes her as a lover of horse riding, sword practice, drinking and poetry. Pillar 2 described how her ambition was not fulfilled before she died. Pillar 3 describes that she was different from all other traditional females. Pillar 4 says that everyone in China mourned for her. It also links with pillar 5, which says that everyone had sympathy for her. The last pillar seems to imply her bravery. Qiu Jin was a prominent republican revolutionary. She is considered a revolutionary martyr national heroine and feminist icon. After the 1911 Revolution, a new tomb was built, see and See Ar01-031 (a pavilion dedicated to Qiu Jin).
Caption in album or on mount
秋瑾墓 (前淸)