Russian Boxer Uprising Memorial (later the Church of the Holy Protection), Tianjin (天津)

University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: BL02-041. University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: BL02-041. The Church of our Saviour was built on the east bank of the Baihe (Pei-ho) River, Tientsin (Tianjin) in 1907, in memory of the 108 Russian soldiers who perished in the Boxer Uprising. From 1922-1925, the church was expanded and rebuilt as the Church of the Holy Protection. This photograph is from an album entitled "Chronicle of a Tour of Pelissier's Follies". Pelissier's Follies was a British theatre troupe set up by the English producer H.G. Pelissier. The group toured Asia in 1911 including stops at Shanghai, Hong Kong and Tianjin.
Caption in album or on mount
Russian Monument. Tientsin