Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dallas, Dent's Fountain, Hong Kong (香港)

University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: BL02-089. This photograph is from an album entitled "Chronicle of a Tour of Pelissier's Follies". Pelissier's Follies was a British theatre troupe set up by the English producer H.G. Pelissier. The group toured Asia in 1911 including stops at Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tianjin and Canton. Henry Dallas was a member of this theatre company. The fountain, donated to the people of Hong Kong by John Dent, was in front of the former City Hall, Queen’s Road Central. It was completed in 1864 and demolished in 1933. See HR01-013, JC01-10, NA20-10 and NA20-11.
Caption in album or on mount
Mr & Mrs Henry Dallas. Hong Kong