Wayside shrine (Local Earth Temple or T'u-ti-miao) - an Earth God (Tudigong 土地公) and his wife, known as Tudipo (土地婆)

Wayside shrine (Local Earth Temple or T'u-ti-miao) - an Earth God (Tudigong 土地公) and his wife, known as Tudipo (土地婆)


University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Ba04-17. The larger characters on the right are: 噫敬我二老. The larger characters on the left are: 好賜你三多. This means ‘If you worship us (referring to the Lord and Lady of the Soil and the Ground), we will bless you and give you more fortune, longevity, and children’. Inside the shrine, the couplets are: 公公一方公道 (on the right) and 婆婆好片婆心 (on the left). This means that ‘The Lord is fair and the Lady is kind to people’. See Ba04-19.

Caption in album or on mount

Wayside Shrine

Estimated Date





Black and white photograph

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