Sir Beilby Alston and others, British Legation, Beijing

University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: EH01-308. Back row (standing), left to right: Major Hammond (Commandant), Mr Dunbar (3rd Secretary), Mr Martin (Acc), Eric Teichman, Harold Ivan Harding (Ass. Chin. Secretary), Archibald Rose (Commercial Attaché), ?Captain on Guard. Front row (sitting): Sir Somerville Head (2nd Secretary), Mr Miles Lampson (1st Secretary), Sir Beilby Alston, Major Brooke (Military Attaché), an unidentified officer.
Caption in album or on mount
Maj. Hammond (Commandant) / Mr Dunbar (3rd Sec.) / Mr Martin (Acc) / E. Teichman / H.I. Harding (Ass. Chin. Secy.) / Archibald Rose (Commercial Attaché) / ?Capt on Guard // Sir Somerville Head (2nd Sec.) / Mr Miles Lampson (1st Sec.) / Sir Beilby Alston / Major Brooke (Military Attaché)