Four Nation Declaration, Moscow, 30th October 1943

Four Nation Declaration, Moscow, 30th October 1943


University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Fu-n644. Left to right: Averell Harriman, US Ambassador, Fu Bingchang, Chinese Ambassador, signing a document, Counsellor Liu Ziyong, with more documents, Cordell Hull, US Secretarey of State, Vyacheslav Molotov, Soviet Foreign Minister. Four Nation Declaration (Moscow Declaration), Foreign Secretaries’ Conference, Moscow, USSR. China joins the Big Four. See Fu-n645.

Caption in album or on mount

Negatives of Moscow Declaration 1943 東寶攝影社台北市南昌路二段八十八號




Black and white photograph


Collection of C. H. Foo and Y. W. Foo