Key to the names of the group of Hoihow residents, 1898

Key to the names of the group of  Hoihow residents, 1898


University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: He01-045. Photo from an album (UoB reference He01) kept in the School of Oriental and African Studies Archive, London (SOAS reference PP MS 82/13). He01-045 is a drawing in black ink to show who's who in the photograph with the HPC reference He01-043. Both He01-043 and He01-045 are pasted on to same page of the album. See He01-043 (which is the photograph that He01-045 refers to). NB The first named person is Mr Kaw Hong Take (not Mr Kaw Hon Take).

Caption in album or on mount

1. Mr Kaw Hon Take (Br. Subject) 2. Mr Powell (R.C. "Kaipan") 3. Capt. Eldridge (Capt of Kaipan) 4. Self (i.e. R.F.C.H.) 5. E.P. O'Brien-Butler (Brit. Consul) 6. Gaston Kahn (Fr. Consul) 7. Ste Croix 8. Mr Otto (Clerk in Ger. Firm) 9. Mr Burke (Consuls Clerk and servant) 10. Mrs Burke 11. Miss Katharine Schaeffer (Missionary) 12. Baby Butler 13. Mrs Butler 14. Miss Henrietta Montgomery (Missionary) 15. Mrs Kaw Hong Take 16. Miss Weatherstone (Sister to Mrs Butler)








Archives & Special Collections, SOAS Library, University of London

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