Customs' students and teachers at Nanking

University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: He01-084. Photo from an album (UoB reference He01) kept in the School of Oriental and African Studies Archives, London (SOAS reference PP MS 82/13). The European IMCS men are named, left to right: "Gory. Deveria. Shaw. Andès. Simpson. Willard Straight". H.A. Gory, French, joined IMCS in August 1903, and died in service in August 1912. J. Devéria, served in the IMCS from December 1901 to December 1911. Assumed to be related to Jean-Gabriel Devéria (1844-1899), former French Consul General and sinologist. N.R.M. Shaw, British, served in the IMCS from February 1902 to March 1934, with a break from January 1905 to April 1907. K.J. Andés, Austrian, joined the IMCS in July 1898, Andés failed to return from Long Leave in April 1915 - presumably he had gone to war. Simpson was shot in October 1930 after seizing control of the Tianjin Customs during an anti-Chiang Kai-shek revolt. He died a month later. Willard Dickerman Straight (1880-1918), an American investment banker, publisher, reporter and diplomat, served in the IMCS from January 1902 to February 1904.
Caption in album or on mount
Customs Students and Teachers, Nanking Gory. Deveria. Shaw. Andès. Simpson. Willard Straight.
Estimated Date
Black and white photograph
Archives & Special Collections, SOAS Library, University of London