Mr and Mrs Belyea in the garden, 35 Tongshan Road, Hongkou, Shanghai

© Hutchinson Family
University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Hn03-190. See China Families ID: 242, Ada Waller Belyea, died 1924; 243, Alexander Uriah Belyea, died 1923. See link on caption list to the transcription of this obituary published in Canada: Frederick A. Belyea, 72, Prince Street, West Saint John; has received a cablegram from Shanghai, China, announcing the death there yesterday of his brother, Alexander Uriah Belyea. Mr. Belyea was a native of Saint John, a son of the late Uriah Belyea, for many years a letter carried in the city. He left here 27 years ago for China and has been in business there ever since. He was fifty-two years of age and is survived by his wife and one child, residing in Shanghai; one brother in Saint John and three sisters, residing in the United States. Mr. Belyea was a member of the Mesonic Order. [sic]
Caption in album or on mount
Mr. & Mrs. Belyea