'Boncilla' display in shop window, The Central Pharmacy (Первая русская аптека), 10 Broadway, Shanghai

© Hutchinson Family
University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Hn06-106. The Central Pharmacy, also known as Первая русская аптека (the First Russian Pharmacy), was located at 10 Broadway. The pharmacy was run by G. M. Torjevsky, employing J. I. Egin and I. G. Shasholin as chemists. See https://avezink.livejournal.com/51544.html. The name of the shop is on the window, in English, Chinese and Russian. The window display is advertising the Boncilla Method and Boncilla products, including cold cream, vanishing cream, clay tubes and “Colorite / COLORS YOUR HATS TO MATCH YOUR COSMETICS”. In concrete below the window: MCR. Number above the door: 76. See Hn06-102 and Hn06-105.