Hutchinson family members and friends at a party, 35 Tongshan Road, Hongkou, Shanghai, October 1925

© Hutchinson Family
University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Hn06-268. From left to right. Front row, sitting on floor: Fred Hutchinson, John Henderson, ?,?,?, Harry Hutchinson, ?, Booby A. (with trophy), ?, ?. Middle row (standing and sitting): John Piry, ?, ?, Sonia Gotfried, Maggie, Sarah, and Mabel Hutchinson, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?. Back row (standing and sitting): Bill Hutchinson (holding a bunch of flowers), John Piry, all others unidentified. Harry is in the centre of the first row - could this be his 21st Birthday party? See Hn02-256 (perhaps the same occasion).
Caption in album or on mount
October, 1925. Bill Fred Johnny Dickie? Maggie Sarah Mabel