Names of Members of the Missionary Conference, Shanghai, May 1877, page 2

University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Mx01-098. Cadbury Research Library archive finding number: DA26/2/2/4 (John Preston Maxwell Papers). The General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China was held at Shanghai, May 10th to 24th, 1877. See Mx01-096, Mx01-097 and Mx01-099. See also the images of the Members of the Missionary Conference, in two group photographs (those engaged in Mission work for over ten years and those engaged in Mission work for under ten years), reproduced in 'History of Photography in China, Western Photographers 1861-1879' by Terry Bennett (Quaritch, 2010), on page 135.
Caption in album or on mount
2/ 67 Mrs. Valentine. 68 Rev. S. Dodd. 69 Miss. Bear. 70 Rev. H.L. MacKenzie. 71 Mrs. Stott. 72 Rev. R.W. Stewart. 73 Mrs. R.W. Stewart. 74 Mrs. Fitch. 75 Rev. N.J. Plumb. 76 Miss F.E. Harshberger. 77 Miss A.P. Ketchum. 78 Rev. Wangchai. 79 Dr. S.P. Barchet. 80 Miss B. Woolston. 81 Miss S.H. Woolston. 82 Miss A.M. Payson. 83 Rev. W. Muirhead. 84 Mrs. Farnham. 85 Mrs. Weir. 86 Mrs. Hartwell. 87 Mrs. Cranston. 88 Miss M. Laurence. 89 Mrs. Yates. 90 Mrs. Lambuth. 91 Mrs. Crawford. 92 Miss A.M. Fielde. 93 Mrs. DuBose. 94 Master Edgar Allen. 95 Miss M. Nelson. 96 Mrs. Seaman. 97 Mrs. Whiting. 98 Miss Lord. 99 Miss H. Kirkland. 100 Mrs. John. 101 Rev. C.W. Mateer. 102 Mrs. Plumb. 103 Miss L. Farnham. 104 Mr. T. Weir. 105 Mrs. W.S. Holt. 106 Miss L. Laisun. 107 Mr. Kavanaugh. 108 Mrs. Hart.
May 1877
Black and white photograph
Cadbury Research Library (Special Collections), University of Birmingham