Dongguan Bridge, a covered bridge in Yongchun, Fujian

Dongguan Bridge, a covered bridge in Yongchun, Fujian


University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Mx03-143. Cadbury Research Library archive finding number: DA26/2/2/2 (John Preston Maxwell Papers). The photograph in the album was 'reversed' (i.e. pasted into the album up side down). The digital copy online here is the correct way round. The Dongguan or Tongxian (Eastern Pass) covered bridge still stands. Tang Koan Kio is the Minnan pronunciation of the pinyin name. In the foreground is the Huyang River. The centre section of this bridge was severely damaged by a flood in 2016 - see: See also Mx03-141.

Caption in album or on mount

Tang Koan Kio (covered bridge) photo reversed

Estimated Date





Black and white photograph


Cadbury Research Library (Special Collections), University of Birmingham

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