The house of Henry Cockburn, fortified during the siege, Peking

© Crown copyright 2011
University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: NA05-02. From an album (C0 1069/425. CHINA 5. Siege of Peking, Boxer Rebellion, 1900.) in The National Archives. Crown copyright image reproduced by permission of The National Archives, London, England. The National Archives give no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or fitness for purpose of the information provided. This image may be used only for purposes of research, private study or education. Applications for any other use should be made to The National Archives Image Library, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 4DU, UK. The house of Henry Cockburn, Chinese Section Secretary at the British Legation, responsible for training student interpreters - after the Siege of the Legation Quarter, Peking (Beijing). In an album (Killie Family Papers RG226) held in the Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, USA, this photograph is captioned: "In the British Legation. First Secretary’s House, showing how it was fortified with bricks and sand bags. Men of the Signal Service on the roof. This house was constantly under fire, and was hit by probably thousands of rifle bullets, besides solid shot and fragments of shells". Photograph by Reverend Charles A. Killie. See BL-n071.
Caption in album or on mount
Fortified House in British Legation. Signal Service on duty on top.
Black and white photograph