Ruins after looting, Peking Mutiny 1912

University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: OH01-088. A similar photo is reproduced in J.O.P. Bland 'Recent Events and Present Policies in China' (1912), p. 342. Captioned: Ruins after the looting, February 29th, 1912. The Peking Mutiny (Ch: 北京兵变; pinyin: Beijing bingbian) erupted on the night of 29 February, 1912. Rumours of Yuan Shi-kai’s move to Nanjing as a concession to southern republicans, atop of long-standing problems of indiscipline among soldiers in Peking, triggered the insurrection. The upheaval was followed by widespread looting. Only the intervention of the turbaned soldiers of the old Manchu loyalist, General Chiang Kuei-ti (Ch: 蒋桂题;pinyin: Jiang Guiti; other: Chiang Kwei-ti), in early March brought the situation under control. (See EP Young, ‘Yuan Shih-k’ai’s Rise to the Presidency’ in M Wright (ed.), China in Revolution: The First Phase, 1900-1913 (New Haven, 1968), pp 438-42.).
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