Panorama of Ichang (left side of photo)

© Attwell Palmer
University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Pa01-41. Photo from an album (UoB reference Pa01). Left hand side of a panoramic photo. See Pa01-42 for the right hand side. See Pa01-43 for the stitched together photo. Ichang (Yichang). WANLIU (painted in CNC colours) and WANHSIEN appear together towards the left of this photograph. WANLIU, which was previously named LUNG MOW, was built in 1920. WANHSIEN was completed in 1922. WANLIU and WANHSIEN were designed to operate to Chongqing. See Sw06-094.
Caption in album or on mount
ICHANG - taken from the opposite side of the river