Missionary musicians, China Inland Mission school

Missionary musicians, China Inland Mission school


University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Si-s03. The cleric second from the left may be William Wharton Cassels (1858-1925), a member of the 'Cambridge Seven' and Bishop of Western China.  Third from the left: Charles Nedham Lack.  Charles Nedham Lack's wife, Edna Sara Lack, nee Bavin, is on the far right.  The framed portrait photograph may be of the Rev. J. Hudson Taylor M.D.  China Inland Mission (CIM). Unidentified location, possibly Paoning (Langzhong, Sichuan province) or Chefoo (Yantai).  The caption (Language School China) on the back of the photograph is written in biro.

Caption on photograph

Language School China

Estimated Date





Black and white photograph

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