Wharves at Dalny ( 大连) with a Hapag freighter and two small NYK passenger steamers
© John Swire & Sons Ltd
University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Sw03-035. G W Swire referenced each negative in this album with the prefix C written in India ink. This negative is referenced C23. The album itself has also been archived at some stage with the reference P1/II. The three ships are from left to right: 1) One of NYK's identical sisters CHEFOO MARU or YEIKO MARU, built in Japan in 1903 operating a service from Japanese ports to the Pohai until 1923, when they transferred to a Tokyo/Iwojima run. 2) One of NYK's identical sisters KOBE MARU or SAIKIO MARU, built on the Clyde in 1888. They were being operated from 1909 by the Southern Manchurian Railway Co and later by Dairen Kisen on a service from Dairen to Shanghai, until July 1921 (KOBE MARU) and June 1927 (SAIKIO MARU). 3) The fine large four-masted freighter of the Lander class, is thought to be either the Bremer Vulcan-built BADEN or FURST BULOW. BADEN was sunk in 1914 in the Falklands by HMS MACEDOINA, but FURST BULOW eventually returned to the Far Eastern service for Hapag in August 1921. Light ship at the very start of the long homeward voyage.
Estimated Date
Black and white photograph
Archives & Special Collections, SOAS Library, University of London