Village set on fire by Qing navy shelling

Village set on fire by Qing navy shelling


University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Wr-s085. Admiral Sah Cheng-ping (Sa Zhenbing) was commander of Qing fleet sent to supress the rebellion. Kil. 10 = Kilometre Ten. This image is reproduced by page 70 in 'China's Revolution 1911-1912' by Edwin J. Dingle (1912) and captioned: 'THE EFFECT OF A NAVAL BOMBARDMENT. This populous village was burned to the ground in the first engagement of Admiral Sah's fleet with the revolutionary army'. The image is also reproduced in 'The Birth of a Republic - Francis Stafford’s Photographs of China’s 1911 Revolution and Beyond' by Hanchao Lu (University of Washington Press, 2010), page 94, but without a caption. See WS01-056.

Estimated Date





Black and white photograph