SS Mooltan in rough seas, in the Gulf of Lion, Mediterranean Sea
![SS Mooltan in rough seas, in the Gulf of Lion, Mediterranean Sea](/image-library/medium/wr-s142.jpg)
University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Wr-s142. The SS Mooltan (1905- 1917) was Peninsula and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. passenger/cargo steamer. Printed on the front of this post card: 'Souvenir de Voyage / "MOOLTAN" / Paquebot Anglais par grosse mer dans le Golfe de Lion. / H. Grimaud & Co - Marseille'. The message on the post card from Charles Wheeler to his mother is: 'Middle of Red Sea 27/1/12 / Splendid voyage & fine weather so far / Expect reach Plymouth 9/2/12 if all goes well / Get a dusting up in the Bay perhaps & delay. / Charlie'. The post card is addressed to: Mrs M Wheeler, 68 Freemantle Road, Eastville, Bristol, England and postmarked 2 February 1912.