Banner outside the headquarters of 'L’Association des Etudiants Chinois de Retour de FBS', Wuhan

University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Bi-s162. This photograph was in an album that once belonged to Leslie Reginald Frederick Shrimpton RN (1910-1964). L.R.F. Shrimpton served on HMS Falcon, in China waters from 1937 to 1939. The banner was made by L'Association des Etudiants Chinois de Retour de FBS (France, Belgium and Switzerland Returned Students Association). The banner slogan reads 'Mobilize the power of the masses to defend Wuhan'. Sign on the window of the L'Association des Etudiants Chinois de Retour de FBS headquarters building at 69 Jianghan Road (江漢路六十九號) in Hankow (Hankou), in French: BUFFET & BILLIARD. Sign on the window in Chinese: Cold drinks / Coffee. See Bi-s163. Robert Capa (Magnum Photos) took a photograph through this window - see and