Harold Ivan Harding, with ponies and two men holding the reins, Kashgar

University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: EH-s62. Harold Ivan Harding (1883 - 1943) is the bearded man wearing a turban and Uyghur clothing, on the pony on the right. Harding served in the Chinese Consular Service (1902-37); and was HBM Vice-Consul, Kashgar, China (1922-23). The photograph was taken in Kashi (Kashgar), Xinjiang (Sinkiang). Harold Harding was the author of 'Diary of a Journey from Srinagar to Kashgar via Gilgit' (1922). Harding was the husband of Florence (Florrie) Richard, a sister of Eleanor Richard, being the daughters of Timothy Richard. See EH-s18.
Caption in album or on mount
Uncle Harold Ivan way off in Kashgar (as consul) / Ella