Binchun at the Stockholm Exhibition, Sweden, July 1866

University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Ha-n01. This photograph was taken in the Gustafsberg section of the Art and Industrial Art Exhibition (Konst och industriutställningen) in Stockholm, Sweden, in July 1866. Gustafsberg was a major manufacturer of porcelain and ceramic goods. The person seated in the middle is Binchun, a Qing diplomat of Manchu origin, who visited Europe in 1866. According to Binchun's diary, he visited Sweden 6-12 July that year and the Exhibition on 10th July. The person standing on the right in the photograph could possibly be Prince Oscar, later King Oscar II, who showed Binchun around the Stockholm Exhibition. Binchun's name used to be romanized Pin-ch'un, hence the original caption: "The Pin Mission, Stockholm, 1866".
Caption in album or on mount
The Pin Mission, Stockholm, 1866