Yuan Shikai

University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: He03-249. Photo from an album (UoB reference He03) kept in the School of Oriental and African Studies Archives, London (SOAS reference PP MS 82/14). Yuan Shikai (袁世凯, 袁世凱, Yuán Shìkǎi, Yüan Shih-k'ai, Róng'ān, 容庵, Yuán Xiàngchéng, 袁项城) (1859 – 1916) - a Chinese emperor, general, statesman and warlord. See WC01-197.
Caption in album or on mount
YUAN SHIH K'AI Chinese statesman. Imperial Resident Korea. 1898 Frustrated Emperor Kuang Hsü's plan of constitutional reform and supported Empress Dowager Tzu Hsi's reactionary coup d'état. 1900 Governor of Shantung. 1901 Viceroy of Chihli and Pei-Yang Ta Ch'en, on death of Li Hung Chang. 1908 On death of Empress Dowager and accession to power of Prince Chun as Regent, dismissed from office for failure to support the Emperor Kuang Hsü in 1898 and ordered on 2nd January 1909 to return to his native place in Honan. 1911 On outbreak of the revolution recalled by the Regent and appointed Viceroy of Hunan and Hupeh and Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial forces. 1912 On 15th February 1912, elected Provisional President of the Republic after the abdication of the Manchu dynasty and took oath of office on 10th March 1912. 1913 On 10th October 1913, took oath as Full President. 1915 Aspired to found a new dynasty in his own person. 1916 Enthronement as Emperor fixed by proclamation of 8th February 1916. Died as President at Peking in June 1916.
Estimated Date
Black and white photograph
Archives & Special Collections, SOAS Library, University of London