Boys' School and group of boys, Zhangpu
Staff and boys, Boys' School, Zhangpu
Boys' School building, old Pastor's house and vegetable garden, Zhangpu
Tun-Lok and horses, Zhangpu
The new hospital, Zhangpu
Kam Lia and his wife, Zhangpu
Chief mandarin, Zhangpu
A group of musicians, with their instruments, Zhangpu
Letter carrier, Zhangpu
The wives of one of the mandarins at Dongshan
Kan-so and her family, Zhangpu
Washing laundry by a well at the Girls' School, Zhangpu
The Girls' and Women's School, Zhangpu
A group portrait, Girls' and Women's School, Zhangpu
Young women showing handiworks at the Girls' School, Zhangpu
Girls eating a meal at the Girls' School, Zhangpu
The North Gate, Zhangpu
Statue of Confucius, Zhangpu
Temple of Confucius, Zhangpu
Group of missionaries with an amah and children