18826 images found
HMS Proteus ('PR') and another submarine in dry dock, beside HMS Medway, Hong Kong
A submarine in dry dock, Hong Kong
Playing records in the mess of a Royal Navy submarine
The engine room of a Royal Navy submarine
Electrical equipment, H.M.S. Medway
Inside H.M.S. Medway
Spotlights on a warship
A warship at night, lit up in profile
Royal Navy sailors diving and swimming in the sea
Royal Navy sailors swimming near their ship
Picnicking on a beach
Clarke's pier, Weihai (威海)
A convict road gang making a road, Weihai (威海)
View over Wanchai and Admiralty, Hong Kong
Wanchai and Admiralty at night, Hong Kong
Mansions near the Peak Tramway terminus, Hong Kong
The Peak Tramway, 1933
Albany Filter Beds (water purification), Hong Kong
Botanical Gardens, Hong Kong
A fountain with frog figures at the Botanical Gardens, Hong Kong
A procession passing through a commercial street, Hong Kong
A street with several Republic of China flags, Hong Kong
A girl standing on Des Voeux Road, Hong Kong
Children in front of a teahouse and medical provisions shop, Hong Kong
Porters pulling a loaded cart, Hong Kong
A customer and a butcher, Hong Kong
Women and children going to market, Hong Kong
An ancient well, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Fishermen on a boat, Hong Kong
A yacht moored alongside a ship
Children in a boat, with a box labelled Heinz 'Chow Chow'
F. Hagger in Weihai (威海)
Riverside scene, Fuzhou
'Little' Jinshan temple (金山塔寺), Wulong River (乌龙江), Fuzhou
Yongquan Monastery (涌泉寺 Kushan Monastery), Drum Mountain, Fuzhou (福州)
Gibb, Livingston & Co., Fuzhou
Foochow Club and members, Fuzhou, 1870
The newly opened Foochow Club, and members, Fuzhou, 1870
Alum, R. H. Haslam and John Gurney Fry, The Old Bungalow, Fuzhou
Alum holding a fan and a cotton flower, The Old Bungalow, Fuzhou
R. H. Haslem and Toby (a dog), The Old Bungalow, Fuzhou
John Gurney Fry holding a book, The Old Bungalow, Fuzhou
John Gurney Fry in a sedan chair, with servants, The Old Bungalow, Fuzhou
John Gurney Fry, with a chair bearer and a house servant, The Old Bungalow, Fuzhou
Foochow Races, Autumn Meeting 1869, Fuzhou
Foochow Races, Spring Meeting 1869, Fuzhou
Group photographed among Scotch fir trees, Fuzhou, 1 January 1870
Group of Foochow foreigners, Fuzhou, 1 January 1870
John Gurney Fry, Fuzhou, 1 January 1870
Francis Temple, Fuzhou, 1 January 1870
H. Sutherland, Fuzhou, 1 January 1870
R. H. Haslem, Fuzhou, 1 January 1870