Sikh soldier guarding the Bronze Ox, Summer Palace, Beijing
Observatory, Peking, c.1875
The Bronze Pavilion, or Pavilion of Precious Clouds (宝云阁), and Kunming Lake, Beijing
The Bronze Pavilion, or Pavilion of Precious Clouds (宝云阁), Summer Palace, Beijing
Statue of Queen Victoria, designed by Mario Raggi, for Hong Kong
Censer at a temple
The Bronze Pagoda (宝云阁) at Longevity Hill (万寿山 Wanshoushan), Summer Palace, Beijing, protected from thieves
At the Observatory, Peking, 1900
Group at the Observatory, Peking, 1900
Image of bodhisattva Guanyin inside a temple
Royal Navy sailors and an incense burner, Yonghe Temple (雍和宮) ‘The Lama Temple’, Beijing
A beggar beside the male bronze lion (tongshi 銅獅), Yonghe Temple (雍和宮) ‘The Lama Temple’, Beijing
Detail showing the head of a bronze dragon in front of Pai yun dian
Bronze crane in front of Luo shou tang
Bronze dragon in front of Pai yun dian
Bronze deer in front of Luo shou tang
Detail of a bronze vase in front of Luo shou tang showing a bird with a flower in its beak
Bronze phoenix in front of Pai yun dian
Bronze deer in front of Le shou tang (乐寿堂), Summer Palace, Beijing