Studio portrait of Ani Chokyi, Darjeeling
A woman lying on a chaise longue in a photographer's studio, with a stuffed cat
A child, seemingly about to burst into tears
A woman with bound feet, lying on a bench in a photographer’s studio, reading a book
Chinese Christian girls sewing
The bo'sun and crew of the famous junk ‘Ning Po’ in fanciful costume
Chinese boy in holiday attire, San Francisco, USA
Tibetan snake charmers, British Empire Exhibition, Wembley, London
A woman (thought to be at a missionary-related event) wearing Chinese (Manchu) clothes, Luton, England
A man dressed as a Chinese Giant, Eastleigh Carnival, Hampshire, England
Picton Roxborough, Fanny Wright and Jessica Lait in the musical comedy ‘A Chinese Honeymoon’
Ada Reeve in the musical comedy ‘San Toy’
A man in fancy dress, as a Chinese photographer, Rhayader Carnival, Wales (Carnifal Rhaeadr, Cymru)
Strolling on the beach, Repulse Bay, Hong Kong
A tree-lined street, Hong Kong
The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Dent's Fountain, and the City Hall, Hong Kong
A man ploughing with an ox, Hong Kong
Two men working in a field, Hong Kong
Goats and shops, Hong Kong
A pawnbroker, and laundry drying above a narrow street, Hong Kong