Studio portrait of a woman with an earring
Studio portrait of a woman
Studio portrait of a woman with a bracelet
Dr Eleanor Whitworth Mitchell, Hong Kong
Dr Eleanor Whitworth Mitchell with a group of women and men
Portrait of a group of women
A group of women and girls
Two men standing in a shady road
A street with a view over the harbour, Hong Kong
Wyndham Street (Flower Street), Hong Kong
A street market, Hong Kong
A street scene, including a storm drain, Hong Kong
A food stall in a street, Hong Kong
An overseer weighing loads of wood, by a building site, Hong Kong
Workers near the waterfront, Hong Kong
Two women in front of a ship, Hong Kong
A group on a pier, Hong Kong
Four children on the waterfront, Hong Kong
A street stall displaying haberdashery and rugs, Hong Kong
A porter with a suitcase and a funeral procession, Hong Kong