'A mandarin or merchant, and his family', Guangzhou
A studio tableau of accountants or businessmen
A studio tableau of six men having a meal
Two mandarins (civil servant officials or bureaucratic scholars), Guangzhou
Seven women, with fans, sitting on bentwood chairs, in a photographer's studio
A sitting room, with a piano
Emily Vacher's previous amah, Shanghai
Walter sitting in the hall of a house in Richmond, England
Mrs. Brown's amah and a male servant, with a woman and model ships, Shanghai
A Cantonese house servant, Shanghai
An amah, Shanghai
William Vacher's favourite worker
James Dow, Shanghai
W.S. Brown
Mrs. Brown, Shanghai
Matilda M. Vacher and R.O. Major, Shanghai
T. J. Birdseye, Shanghai
Thomas Hanbury, Shanghai
William Lemann, Shanghai
Mrs. Maclean, Shanghai