The Drawing Room, British Legation, Beijing
Portrait of a man, with a fan
A memorial altar for the deceased, in the house of a well-to-do family, Shanghai
Chinese School, Canton, 1863
Woman and furniture on a handcart, Chekiang Road Bridge, Shanghai
Marge Rosholt and dog, Shanghai
Child in a crib, Shanghai
War damaged childrens' dormitory, Shanghai
Mei-fei Rosholt holds the feet of her father, Malcolm Rosholt, in Shanghai
Chinese woman, with bound feet, beside a chair
A group with P.E. O'Brien Butler, the British Consul, c.1904
Missionary musicians, China Inland Mission school
John R. Sinton, 1908
John Sullivan in the doorway of a workman's dwelling
Shanghai Municipal Policemen visiting a temple
Drinks on the veranda, No. 3 Shek O, Hong Kong, 1940, including C.C. Roberts
Couple in a dugout, Chungking
A man with long fingernails, hairlip and a pipe
Smoking opium - a posed tableau
'A mandarin or merchant, and his family', Guangzhou