Two men wearing patched clothing and a woman with two children wearing fancy hats
Tailors with a child in winter clothes
Scottish Company, Shanghai Volunteer Corps, on guard by a luggage shop, Shanghai, 1927
Stone masons and an overseer, working on a building site
Flea market
Parade in street
A boatman poling a sampan on a lake near a pagoda
Schoolgirls on parade (passing Mission House), National Day ('Double Ten') 1937, Luzhou
Peggy Hookham (Margot Fonteyn) by lumber wharf, Russian Bund, Tianjin
Dorothy, Geoff and Harold Hillier, Hong Kong
Guy and Ada Hillier taking tea on a veranda, Beijing
Ella Richard, with a parasol
Lucy Shirazee wearing sailor trousers, in an area above 12 Milestone Beach, Castle Peak Road, Hong Kong
Bea Hutchinson modelling a staw hat, in an area above 12 Milestone Beach, Castle Peak Road, Hong Kong
Gladys and Bea Hutchinson on a day trip with Elise Markham and Lilian Thoresen, sitting on a wall overlooking Castle Peak Road beac huts, Hong Kong
Bea Hutchinson standing at the side of a road above a Castle Peak Road beach, Hong Kong
Charles Hutchinson in the garden of 35 Tongshan Road, Hongkou, Shanghai
Family with snowballs in the garden of 35 Tongshan Road, Hongkou, Shanghai