Beiyushan lighthouse made in Paris by Barbier and Bénard, c.1894
Lighthouse, Turnabout Island, near Fuzhou
Light-vessel 'Kiutoan', Shanghai
Light-vessel 'Tungsha', Shanghai
Revenue Cruiser ‘Kua Hsing’, Shanghai
Lighthouse exhibit at the International Exhibition of Electricity, Paris, 1881
A photograph of portrait sketches of foreigners by Bessie L'Evesque Pirkis, Beijing, 1877
Portrait sketches of foreigners by Bessie L'Evesque Pirkis, Beijing, 1877 (detail)
Luoyang Bridge (洛阳桥), Quanzhou, Fujian, showing oyster beds
D.M. Henderson on a houseboat after a shooting trip, Shanghai
The Patent Slip, Imperial Arsenal, Mawei, Fuzhou
Marr Lodge, Bubbling Well Road, Shanghai, with D.M. Henderson
Guardians of the tomb of a dignitary, near Fuzhou (福州)
A mandarin's 'horseshoe' grave in woodland, Fuzhou
Fangguanyan temple (方广岩寺), Geling Mountain, near Fuzhou (福州)