Fortified bridge on Legation Street, Peking
The house of Henry Cockburn, fortified during the siege, Peking
Legation Chancery, British Legation, Peking, with bomb shelter in garden
'The International Gun', an improvised cannon used during siege of the Legation Quarter, Peking
Barricades defending the entrance to the British Legation, Peking
British Marines on a gun platform, Mongol Market, Peking
The student interpreters' house at the British Legation, Peking
Reinforced outer wall, and water well, during siege of the Legation Quarter, Peking
The Hanlin Academy (翰林院), Peking
British subjects in the British Legation, Peking
Sir Claude MacDonald, with the surviving British Legation guards, Peking
Carts for hauling stores, siege of the Legation Quarter, Peking
Pavilion (Hôtel de Pékin) in British Legation, Peking
The British Legation, siege of the Legation Quarter, Peking
Women by the chapel, British Legation, Beijing
Zhengyangmen (正阳门) / Qianmen (前门), Beijing
Wall separating Chinese City from Tartar City, Peking
Graveyard set aside during the siege of the Legation Quarter, Peking
The graves of American marines and Russian soldiers, in Russian Legation, Peking
American marines in a lane, Peking