Mounted foreign troops beside the Imperial light railway track, Beihai, Peking
Chinese navvies with wagons loaded with fish-plates
General Mei's military band and soldiers sitting beside railway tracks
British Commissioner and General Mei bid farewell at a railway station
Two of General Mei's officers in front of a railway carriage flying the Union Jack
Railway bridge being built, near Qingdao
Railway bridge, near Qingdao
Train carriage, Schantung-Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft (Shantung Railway)
Qing troops on open carriages at Chien Men (Zhengyangmen 正阳门) Railway Station, Beijing
Level crossing in front of Chongwenmen (崇文門 Hatamen), Beijing
Legation guards outside city walls, Peking
Ruined buildings near Hsia Kwan Wharf railway station (下关码头), Nanjing (南京市)
Chinese train passengers sheltering from the sun under umbrellas
Train wrecked due to an explosion on a bridge, near Luanzhou
The Huanggutan Incident (assassination of Zhang Zuolin), near Shenyang
Entrance gate to Nankou Railway Hotel, with United States naval personnel
Armoured and camouflarged train, during the ‘Shanghai Incident’
Tong King Sing, compradore, interpreter, businessman - and founder of the Kaiping Railway
Hu Yufen, ‘Director-General’ of the China Railway Company and later of the Imperial Chinese Railways