Rev. C. and Mrs. Shaw, Hing Hwa, Fuhkien
An amah, Hong Kong
Tea on the beach, Weihaiwei
Baby Jim, with amah
Baby Jim, with his amah
Mr. Lee, the Cottrell's cook
Lily and Cecil Crellin, with Chinese women, on Nine-turn Bridge, Triple Reflection of the Moon, West Lake (西湖), Hangzhou (杭州)
Amah and another woman, with a child, Shanghai
John Gurney Fry in a sedan chair, with servants, The Old Bungalow, Fuzhou
John Gurney Fry, with a chair bearer and a house servant, The Old Bungalow, Fuzhou
Jardine, Matheson & Company's hong, Fuzhou, 1869
Staff at the hong of Jardine, Matheson & Co., Fuzhou, 1869
Staff and servants, Silverlock & Co., Fuzhou
Chinese servants with Wendy and Sidney Johnson, and Rex, 727 Avenue Haig, Shanghai
Amah, Myrtle, Sidney and Wendy Johnson, with Iris Wilson and Rex, Shanghai
An amah with Wendy and Sidney Johnson, at 727 Avenue Haig, Shanghai
Poultryman with scraps for chickens, by the poultry house, 727 Avenue Haig, Shanghai
Two servants
Hedgeland's domestic staff, Nanning, 1918
Hedgeland's domestic staff in Nanning