Amah, Myrtle, Sidney and Wendy Johnson, with Iris Wilson and Rex, Shanghai

University of Bristol – Historical Photographs of China reference number: GJ03-33. 727 Avenue Haig (now Huashan Lu) was the home of George and Myrtle Johnson from 1917 to 1935. Left to right: Amah – Myrtle Johnson – Sidney Johnston – Wendy Johnson – Iris Wilson. Iris Wilson (née Harris) was a sister of Myrtle Johnson. Rex was the family's pet Alsation dog. Wendy died of scarlet fever on board the 'Empress of Scotland' en route from Newfoundland for England, in 1925 - a journey undertaken from Shanghai, via Japan, Manilla, USA and Canada, with amahs. See GJ03-30 and GJ03-35.