The Imperial Throne in the Palace of Heavenly Purity, Forbidden City, Peking
Yue Fei Temple (Yuewang Temple 岳王廟), West Lake, Hangchow
A child on a man's shoulders, with a dog
Inscription relating to a holy tree
Memorial statue and garden
Working in a field
Portrait of a rural woman, Taihu region west of Shanghai
A Shanghai Municipal Police ambulance outside Deutsche Apotheke (Sine Pharmacy), 14 Broadway, Shanghai
A rural woman with a toddler, Taihu region west of Shanghai
A rural woman with a baby, Taihu region west of Shanghai
A Chinese man
Houses by a waterway
A waterway with boats and houses
A waterway near Shanghai
A bridge over a waterway
A boat and boatman, near Shanghai
Sheep grazing beside a waterway
Earthworks by a waterway, near Shanghai
A pig trussed up for transportation