Walking around fields outside a city
The Outer Tower and the temple in the gateyard, Andingmen (安定门), with produce stall, Beijing
Lychee hawker, Hong Kong
Watching workers clearing muck from a river bed
A man counting coins and another man smoking
Temple Street, Hong Kong
Shops and stalls in Upper Lascar Row (摩羅上街), known as Cat Street, Hong Kong
A flower market, Hong Kong
A fruit and vegetable stall, Hong Kong
A busy shopping street, Hong Kong
Wang Dezhen and Min Chin, Pei-pai
Wang Dezhen and Min Chin in Pei-pai
Incense stalls and worshippers, City God Temple (上海城隍庙), Shanghai
Tientsin: shops, French Concession; melons at Tienhsiang Market
Flea market
Hedgeland and others on a beach in England
'The Beggar's Bridge', viewed from Zhengyangmen (正阳门) / Qianmen (前门), Beijing
Roadside food stalls, Hong Kong
Children by a roadside stall, Shanghai