Commissioner’s House, 107 Bubbling Well Road, Shanghai
A tennis party, Shanghai
A group relaxing in a garden with pets, Shanghai
Herbert Wilcockson and Ernest George Hayward on steps by a house, Shanghai
Susan Wilcockson on a veranda, Shanghai
Building with tennis court
Boy and girl playing tennis
Baby in a wicker pram
A couple standing on a veranda of a large building
Making popcorn on the verandah of a holiday bungalow, Beidaihe
Dr John Preston Maxwell outside his new house at Toa Bo, near Zhangpu, Fujian
Tun-Lok and horses, Zhangpu
Mrs Edith Preston Maxwell on the veranda of the Tao Bo house, near Zhangpu
View from the front veranda of the Toa Bo house, near Zhangpu
Oliver H. Hulme outside a house
Oliver Heywood Hulme on a veranda, Anqing 1917
Oliver Heywood Hulme and a dog on a veranda, Anqing (安庆)
A group of missionary women and children, Kuliang