Autographed portrait of Lu Rongting, 1916

University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: He-s22. Photo from a folder of loose prints (UoB reference He-s) kept in the School of Oriental and African Studies Archives, London (SOAS reference PP MS 82/17). Also Chinese inscriptions on support and along the top of the print. Photographer's sticker: Jim Fong Canton. So most likely, this photograph of Lu Rongting was taken in Canton (Guangzhou). This photograph is mounted and was previously framed. The date (1919), written on the mount is incorrect. The correct date is printed on the photograph (the fifth year of the Minguo calendar), i.e. 1916. See He-s23.
Caption in album or on mount
LU JUNG-T'ING. Governor General and Commander in Chief of Kwangtung and Kwangsi, Canton, 1919.