Bea Chu, Phyllis Colledge and Sarah Hutchinson, with others, (possibly visiting Kadoorie Agricultural Aid Association), Hong Kong

© Hutchinson Family
University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Hn04-060. From left to right: Beatrice Chu (Hutchinson), Phyllis Colledge, unidentified man, Sarah Hutchinson, unidentified man. Perhaps Kadoorie Farm, Hong Kong. Kadoorie Agricultural Aid Association (KAAA) was set up in 1951, and the farm established in 1956. The young man between Phyllis and Sarah has a family resemblance to one of the KAAA founders, Lawrence Kadoorie, and is perhaps his son, Michael, born 1941. He looks to be in his late teens, and if corroborated, the photograph could be dated c.1956.