A photomontage Christmas card, 1904

University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: JC-s001. A collage of photographs, flowers, artwork, etc., mounted on pink card, with a Christmas message printed on it in English and Mandarin. In the centre is an image of the Royal Navy ship H.M.S. Andromeda (for this detail, see JC-s003). Portraits of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandria are included, as are views of Wei Hai Wei (Weihai), the zigzag bridge (at the Huxinting, 'Woo Sing Ding Tea House', in Shanghai), stone elephants at Nanking (Nanjing), junks, wheelbarrow transport and two pagodas. The collage includes the Red Ensign and the Union jack flags and a chrysanthemum topped by the Royal crown, as well as hands shaking (friendship). Wei Hai Wei, also known as Port Edward (Weihai), was the Royal Navy's China Station in the summer. See JC-s002 and JC-s003. See also JC-s373.
Caption in album or on mount
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Caption on photograph