Corporal Best, Major-General Ho, and Colonel Guo, at Japanese surrender, Peking, 10 October 1945

University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: JS04-063. Photograph taken at the official surrender of the Japanese Armies of 47 Divisions in China, to the Chinese and representatives of the allied forces, in the Forbidden City, Peking (Beijing), on 10 October 1945. John E. Stanfield, then a Major in the Royal Signals, Special Operations Executive, Force 136, witnessed the occasion, and signed the surrender documents as the representative of the British Army. See JS-s013, JS-s035, JS-s038, JS-s118, JS-s119, JS03-40, JS03-42, JS03-43, JS03-44, JS03-45, JS03-46, JS03-47, JS03-48, JS03-49, JS04-048, JS04-049, JS04-050, JS04-052, JS04-055, JS04-056, JS04-057, JS04-059, JS04-060, JS04-062. Left to right: Signals Corporal Best; Major-General Ho Kan Tzen (Chinese Directorate of Military Intelligence); Mr Guo (secretary to Mr Ho, and honorary Colonel).